13 Months Gone

Oh my sweet girl you would have been 13 months old today.

This summer I got to spend some time with two of your precious baby friends who were born the month before you. They were 13 months old when I got to spend time with them.

Today as I sit and reflect on the past 13 months without you I’m filled with constant thoughts of what you would be like.
I have such a recent frame of reference for what your daily routine might be like and all of the milestones you would be hitting.

My heart feels heavy when I imagine what those interactions would have been like with you there.

Raising you alongside the babes of some of my oldest friends was something I was beyond excited about, but it never got to happen.

Life has moved on all around us these past 13 months. We hope you’d be proud of the life we’ve built with your memory at its core. We have so many amazing plans for your foundation and hope you’re snuggled up with the angels, surrounded by all the beautiful babies your life has touched.

We love you always, our sweet Isla Rose 🎀

- Elizabeth

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