The Day Time Stopped [18 Weeks]


On Friday, February 7, Elizabeth and I received test results back from the doctor that indicated that our baby girl - Isla Rose - had high levels of a protein that coincides with a variety of developmental issues. This raised concern, so we immediately consulted with our doctor. They scheduled a specialized ultrasound for us on Wednesday, February 12.

This was also the same week that we were going to have our “big ultrasound”, where we would be able to see all the beautiful and intricate details of our little girl.

But after the ultrasound, we were left with devastating news. Isla has severe developmental anomalies that has rendered her 'incompatible with life'.

The condition is fatal.

She is an extremely rare case, and the cause of the condition is unknown. Babies develop this condition within the first month of pregnancy, but it can only be detected around the 20th week of pregnancy through a detailed ultrasound.

There is nothing we could have done to prevent this, and there is nothing that we can do to fix it. Elizabeth will deliver her, and we will get to hold her.

We’re at a loss for words, and we are completely and utterly devastated. The coming weeks are going to be extremely hard for us and our families.

It is very painful to talk about, so we just ask that you keep Elizabeth and I - and our sweet girl, Isla Rose - in your thoughts and prayers while we navigate the most scary and confusing time of our lives.

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The Life of Isla Rose